At the risk of appearing productive, we have another mix this week. It's actually a playlist I started months ago, but never finished. I was going to give it the title "Mostly Classical", but, not having done the math, it turns out just "More Classical Than Usual". And, of course, like "jazz", "classical" ends up labeling a lot of music that doesn't really sound like each other anyway, and, well ... you've seen all my "genre" posts, haven't you?
There was another stub of a playlist that got tacked on the end, which, repeats an artists from the first, and ends with a couple of pop songs. I was planning to use one to mark my and Robyn Hitchcock's shared birthday, and the other marks how I felt during primary time, and how I'm likely to feel the next couple of weeks (but hopefully not the next four years,)
See the playlist after the break...