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Sunday, July 31, 2016

Gone and Forgotten - Einojuhani Rautavaara and the New York Times

Update 8/3 - After a week, the newspaper of record finally goes on record.

Update - 8/1: Still nothing in the Times. With absolutely no disrespect intended at all towards the departed and their loved ones, the Times has in this time commemorated an extreme skier, a land speed racer, and a noted researcher on "wine chemistry and vinification". All notable and interesting folks, for sure, but are these fields really less obscure and their audiences less specialized than contemporary classical music? (to be fair, they've also acknowledged one of the people responsible for this.

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In an example of the dwindling commitment to classical music by America's newspaper of record, it has been four days now since the death of the eminent Finnish composer Einojuhani Rautavaara, and the New York Times has yet to publish an obituary, or even a news item if the event. Perhaps another correspondent or two is required.

I got the news from Q2's newsletter, but a Google News search brings up reports from the AP, NPR, Gramophone, Reuters, a variety of music blogs, and even Forbes (next to links to anti-Obamacare and anti-minimum wage articles) have reports and appreciations.

The Times' web page, however, is currently keeping you up to date with Il Douche's latest pissing match [link not provided].

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